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Thyme linalol

The plant

Thyme linalol
Latin: Thymus Vulgaris

Plant part: Flowery

Origin: France

From the Egyptian word "Tham" plants for embalming, which places its multiple properties, known since the dawn of time, of this sub -shrub of the Mediterranean limestone soils. Its virtues are mainly linked to the presence of phenols (Thymol and Carvacrol) and Monoterpènols (Géraniol, Linalol, Terpinéol, Thujanol) whose variable concentrations according to its biotopes and the harvest period determine six different chemotypes. Spring distillation in full bloom from April to May of the wild or cultivated plant.

The Distillation

Discover the distillation Thyme linalol Discover the distillation Thyme linalol Discover the distillation Thyme linalol Discover the distillation Thyme linalol Discover the distillation Thyme linalol



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