??RenForce your immunity 100% Lozérienne
For a boost, try our immune stimulating massage composed of:
??10 drops of organic essential oil from Lozère Sylvestre
??2 ml of full form massage oil, a synergy of 3 organic essential oils: rosemary, pectinated fir and lavandin ✨
Mix these two ingredients in a glass bottle or a roll-on. Then apply this mixture by gently massaging on your skin, preferably on your chest and the upper back. ??♀️
Take care of yourself naturally, with our exceptional craft quality products, 100% from our stills in Lozère ??.
The Products
Huile de massage Pleine Forme
Massage oil full in shape of Esseciagua, bearing the "Biogarantie" label, is a soothing and revitalizing complex, ideal for relieving joint and muscle pain. This unique mixture includes organic sesame vegetable oil and organic essential oils of lavandin, rosemary and pectine fir.
Sésame oil, used as a base, is known for its moisturizing and softening properties, offering excellent skin penetration. It prepares the skin to receive the benefits of essential oils, thus facilitating...
Essential Oil Sylvestre pine
Discover the essential oil of Sylvestre pine from EssentiCiagua, an artisanal product extracted from Pinus Sylvestris. This oil, originally from France, is recognized for its effectiveness on the respiratory tract and its ability to fight ENT problems, while stimulating immunity.
Sylvestre pine essential oil is particularly effective in relieving the symptoms of cold, bronchitis and cough, thanks to its antiseptic and expectorant properties. It helps to clear the airways, providing...