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Tooth ache


Welcome to our page dedicated to the creation of a natural emergency kit for the treatment of teeth. Teeth can be caused by various factors such as cavities, infections, fiery gums or fractured teeth. In this section, we explore the use of essential oils and hydrosols renowned for their analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. These natural remedies are chosen for their ability to temporarily relieve dental pain and soothing inflammation, providing support until professional dental treatment can be obtained. We guide you through a selection of suitable products, providing advice on their safe and effective use to soothe teeth.

Our Product Recommendations


It is important to note that the information presented on this page is for educational purposes and must not be interpreted as a medical opinion. Teeth can be the symptom of serious dental problems requiring immediate medical attention. Although essential oils and hydrosols can offer temporary relief, they should not be used as a substitute for professional dental treatment. We strongly recommend consulting a dentist in case of persistent, severe teeth or if other symptoms such as fever or swelling are manifested. The effectiveness of these natural remedies can vary from person to person and their use must be undertaken with caution.



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