My testimony
Wrinkles are impossible to escape. Over time, the skin slackens and loses its tone. No cream or serum completely erases wrinkles, but we can nevertheless do what is necessary to delay their appearance and reduce them somewhat when they are present. That's what I'm trying to do! I have been using rose hydrosol every morning for several years now. With it I have a natural anti-wrinkle ally, essential for its delicacy, its sweet fragrance and its recognized effectiveness against the marks of time.
My tip
A healthy lifestyle is already a very good anti-wrinkle treatment! Correct hydration, a balanced diet, not smoking, preserve the suppleness and elasticity of the skin. And even if the effects of the sun are beneficial, the fact remains that excess UV rays cause skin tissue to age prematurely.
Everyone will find rose hydrosol an ideal solution to reduce fine lines or prevent the appearance of wrinkles. This one is suitable for all skin types. I recommend using pure Damask rose hydrosol on the face daily, after removing make-up. You can apply it using a washable wipe or spray. If you prefer a more masculine scent, cistus hydrosol is also perfect. On the skin moistened with the hydrosol, the treatment is applied, which can only be rosehip vegetable oil, rich in fatty acids and anti-oxidants.
Once a week, we will complete this anti-aging routine with a white clay mask. Be sure to hydrate the clay with rose or rosemary hydrosol.
What does herbal medicine say?
Rose hydrosol has been known since Antiquity for its captivating fragrance and its multiple therapeutic, cosmetic and culinary uses. It is reputed to be calming, soothing and nervous rebalancing. Scientific studies (Nat. Prod. Commun., Feb. 2009, 4 (2), 291-296; Int. J. Prev. Med., June 29, 2018) have demonstrated soothing effects of the application of extract of pink on the skin as well as cognitive, behavioral and psychological improvements in patients suffering from dementia and depression. In cosmetics, it is traditionally recommended to prevent and fight against skin aging. The antioxidant and wrinkle prevention properties of rose have been demonstrated (Kalim et al., BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2010, 10, 77). In addition, rose hydrosol purifies, refreshes and softens the skin. In another register, it flavors a host of typical dishes from around the Mediterranean and gives its refinement to oriental cuisine.
Did you know ?
The rose is the flower of beauty and refinement You
surprise your guests by serving them a glass of rose sparkling wine as an aperitif or accompaniment to dessert, adding a teaspoon of hydrosol to each cup
I use hydrosols SAFELY
This tip with hydrosols and vegetable oil has no contraindications, even if you add a drop of rose or cistus essential oil to your facial treatment or to the clay mask.
The Products

Hydrolat Damask pink
Discover Damascus rose hydrosol, a treasure of nature and a pillar of modern cosmetics. Coming from Rosa Damascena, a plant from Iran and cultivated in various terroirs such as Syria, Turkey, Bulgaria, Morocco and Russia, this hydrosol is obtained by delicate distillation of flowers picked by hand. His harvest, carried out between May and June at the first light of the day, preserves the quintessence of its bewitching perfume.
Recognized for its regenerative and invigorating...