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Achillae Millefeuille

The plant

Achillae Millefeuille
Latin: Achillea Millefolium

Plant part: Flowery

Origin: France

His name is borrowed from the legendary Achilles who, according to the Greek authors, treated the wounds of his warriors with this Perennial ... His name also lies in the end of its leaves in many strips, characteristics of this advanced family of "compounds" among Which we also find Italian Helichrysus, its Mediterranean counterpart. The white flower of the Achilée, clearly visible on our embankments, is distilled at the end of flowering, in August. Achillée is a plant to which many properties are attributed. Picking and distillation are always filled with questions as its performance can be weak, close to that of the rose! But if its oil is often rare, the hydrosol fortunately is nonetheless precious. Presence of Mono and Sesquiterpenes, Camphre and Cinéole.

What are the benefits of Yarrow?

Yarrow is a plant with multiple health benefits. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, it can be used to relieve respiratory allergies and rosacea problems. When applied topically, it helps heal cuts and wounds, while promoting healing. In addition, yarrow is known for its venotonic properties, making it an effective remedy for relieving varicose veins and improving blood circulation. This versatile plant can therefore be a valuable ally in treating a wide range of health problems.

More about Achillae Millefeuille

The Products

Hydrolat Achillae Millefeuille

Hydrolat Achillae Millefeuille

The hydrosol Achilée Millefeuille by Essenciagua is an exceptional natural product, known for its multiple beneficial properties, in particular for female balance, inflammation and allergies. This hydrosol is obtained by the delicate distillation of the Achillae Fillefeuille flowers, a plant renowned for its soothing and restorative virtues.

Used regularly, the millefeuille bouted hydrosol helps maintain a healthy hormonal balance, making it a precious ally, especially during stress periods or hormonal imbalances. Its anti-inflammatory properties also make it an excellent choice to soothe sensitive skin and subject to redness, offering an immediate calming effect.

In addition to its benefits for the skin, this hydrosol can be used to relieve various forms of allergies thanks to its natural antihistamine properties. It soothes irritation and itching, offering natural and soft relief. Its versatile nature also makes it useful in the preparation of homemade cosmetic care, adding a therapeutic dimension to your creations.

Essenciagua's commitment to use pure and biological ingredients ensures that the Achile Millefeuille hydrosol is of the highest quality, without artificial or conservative additives. This environmentally friendly approach guarantees that you benefit from the natural properties of the plant in their purest form.

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Essential Oil Achillae Millefeuille

Essential Oil Achillae Millefeuille

Discover the essential oil of Essenciagua Millefeuille Achilée, a carefully distilled organic treasure in France. Coming from Achillea Millefolium, a plant with white flowers and subtle scent, this oil is prized for its many therapeutic virtues.

Recognized for its anti-inflammatory and healing properties, Millefeuille Achillaee essential oil is effective in treating various skin conditions, including eczema and psoriasis. It promotes the healing of scars and improves the appearance of the skin. In local application, it can also help reduce the appearance of bruises and relieve blows related to blows.

In aromatherapy, this oil is appreciated for its soothing effects on the nervous system. It can help relieve headaches and migraines when applied in dilution on the temples. In addition, due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it can relieve joint pain related to arthritis, osteoarthritis and rheumatism when applied in massage.

Millefeuille Achillaee essential oil is also recognized to promote blood circulation and can be used in mild massage on the legs to relieve the symptoms of varicose veins.

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The Distillation

Discover the distillation Achillae Millefeuille Discover the distillation Achillae Millefeuille Discover the distillation Achillae Millefeuille



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