The plant

Plant part: Branch
Origin: France
This shrub with white flowers is nicknamed "the shrub of poets". Always green (persistent leaves), it develops in bushy bushes on the coast of Mediterranean Europe, up to 800m. Symbol of Glory and Happy Love, we braided crowns for heroes and married. In religious cults, wood this stems served as incense. For beauty care, the distillation of flowers and leaves gave great renowned water, "angel water".
What are the benefits of green myrtle
Green myrtle is a plant with many health benefits, particularly in the treatment of thyroid imbalances. Indeed, its thyroid-regulating properties make it an effective ally in relieving the symptoms linked to this condition, such as fatigue, weight gain and mood disorders. In addition, green myrtle is also known for its antitussive effects, which help relieve dry and irritating coughs. By integrating this plant into your wellness routine, you will be able to benefit from its benefits for your health and general well-being.
The Products

Essential Oil Green myrtle
The essential oil of green myrtle from Esseciagua, distilled with artisanal expertise, is an essence rich in health and well-being benefits. This oil is extracted from the communis myrtus, a shrub with evergreen and white flowers, nicknamed "the shrub of poets". Originally from the Mediterranean and pushing up to 800m above sea level, green myrtle is a symbol of glory and happy love, used historically in religious cults and for beauty care.
This essential oil is particularly...
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