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Essential Oil Fine altitude lavender

Lavandula Angustifolia
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Discover our Essential Oil Fine altitude lavender

Discover the essential oil of fine altitude of Essenciagua, a pure and biological essence of Angustifolia Lavandula. Cultivated in the mountainous regions of France, this fine lavender grows between 800 and 1800 meters above sea level, where it develops a rich fragrance and unique therapeutic properties.

This essential oil, certified organic, is a natural remedy recognized for its soothing and healing properties. It is effective in treating light burns, sunburn, and even insect bites, relieving pain and accelerating the healing process. It is also widely used for its relaxing effects, helping to calm anxiety and stabilize emotions after an emotional shock.

In addition, the essential oil of fine altitude lavender is a precious ally in the fight against skin problems such as acne, pimples, and scars, thanks to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps to soothe and repair skin chapters.

In topical diffusion or application (diluted), this essential oil promotes restorative sleep, reduces stress and anxiety, and can even help relieve headaches and migraines. It is also beneficial to soothe nervous pain and relax the tense muscles, which is useful in the case of sciatica or neuralgia.

Agriculture biologique Made in France Bio Certification

Our customers reviews

Five stars rating
Cela fait des années que je prends chez Essenciagua. ma première HE acheté chez eux, ça a été celle-ci. Au départ, j'avais acheté sur différents sites connus, et je ne supportais pas la lavande à chaque fois. La découverte de la Lavande Fine d'Altitude d'essenciagua m'a fait découvrir LA bonne huile essentielle, sa puissance olfactive agréable, et son efficacité redoutable ! C'est devenue l'une des huiles que j'achète à chaque commande. On est en Fan en famille.
Five stars rating
On est directement dans les champs avec cette huile essentielle, une huile essentielle que j'utilise pour toute la famille et les amis

Top benefits

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Natural emergency kit

How to Use Essential Oil Fine altitude lavender for Wound ?

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Serenity & rest

How to Use Essential Oil Fine altitude lavender for Insomnia ?

Fine altitude lavender helps to promote restful sleep thanks to its relaxing and soothing properties. It can be broadcast in the bedroom before bedtime or applied on the wrists.

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Serenity & rest

How to Use Essential Oil Fine altitude lavender for Stress ?

In broadcast or in topical application (diluted), fine altitude lavender oil helps reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a quieter and relaxed state of mind.

Modes of Use

The Plant Fine altitude lavender

Fine altitude lavender

Latin: Lavandula Angustifolia

Plant part: Flowery

Origin: France

Originally from the Mediterranean periphery, this sub -shrub 30 to 60 cm in prosperous height on the hillsides and mountains between 800 and 1800 m. Wild or cultivated, lavender constitutes a precious flagship of our flora, but also an essential base of perfumery, cosmetics and aromatherapy. Its purifying role was already known to the Romans who added lavender to their bath and burned in the patients of patients to clean up them. Its multiple uses and its safety justify its presence in the family pharmacy.

The Distillation

Distillation Photo

Secondary use

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Natural emergency kit

How to Use Essential Oil Fine altitude lavender for Burning, sunburn ?

Fine altitude lavender is effective in treating light burns and sunburn, helping to soothe pain and speed up the healing process.

[Recette 123] 1 cm of Hydrolat Bourbon type geranium, 3 drops of Essential Oil Fine altitude lavender et 3 pump pressure of Macérat Millepertuis

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Natural emergency kit

How to Use Essential Oil Fine altitude lavender for Sting ?

Applied directly to insect bites, it relieves pain and inflammation while preventing infection.

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Natural emergency kit

How to Use Essential Oil Fine altitude lavender for Emotional shock ?

Fine lavender is widely recognized for its soothing and relaxing properties. She can help calm anxiety and stabilize emotions after emotional shock, promoting a more serene state of mind.

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Natural emergency kit

How to Use Essential Oil Fine altitude lavender for Muscle tear ?

Fine lavender has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. It can be used to relieve pain and promote the relaxation of tense muscles following a tear.

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Dermatological radiance

How to Use Essential Oil Fine altitude lavender for Acne, button ?

Its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties help treat and prevent acne by soothing skin and reducing inflammation.

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Dermatological radiance

How to Use Essential Oil Fine altitude lavender for Chap ?

Fine lavender is renowned for its healing and regenerative properties. It can help soothe and repair skin chapters, while promoting healing.

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Dermatological radiance

How to Use Essential Oil Fine altitude lavender for Herpes ?

Fine lavender has soothing and healing properties. It can help calm the inflammation and pain associated with herpes, while promoting healing of the skin.

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Hair ready
Dermatological radiance

How to Use Essential Oil Fine altitude lavender for Hair Loss ?

Fine lavender has soothing and regenerative properties. It is useful for treating the irritated scalp and promoting the growth of healthy hair.

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Dermatological radiance

How to Use Essential Oil Fine altitude lavender for Scar ?

It promotes skin regeneration and can be used to help reduce the appearance of scars, thanks to its healing properties.

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Dermatological radiance

How to Use Essential Oil Fine altitude lavender for Eczema, psoriasis ?

Its anti-inflammatory and healing properties make it a beneficial oil to soothe eczema and psoriasis, by reducing itching and promoting healing of the skin.

[Recette 123] 1 cm of Hydrolat German chamomile matrix, 3 drops of Essential Oil Fine altitude lavender et 3 pump pressure of Macérat Calendula

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Structural support

How to Use Essential Oil Fine altitude lavender for Hypertension ?

Fine lavender is widely recognized for its relaxing and soothing properties. It can help reduce stress and anxiety, which are factors contributing to hypertension. Its use can promote relaxation and help regulate blood pressure.

Logo Indication
Structural support

How to Use Essential Oil Fine altitude lavender for Sciatica, neuralgia ?

Fine lavender is known for its relaxing and anti-inflammatory properties. It can help soothe nervous pain and relax the tense muscles, which is beneficial in the case of sciatica or neuralgia.

Logo Indication
Structural support

How to Use Essential Oil Fine altitude lavender for Fractures ?

Fine lavender has anti-inflammatory and calming properties. It can be useful for relieving pain and promoting relaxation around the fracture area, which can help the healing process.

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Structural support

How to Use Essential Oil Fine altitude lavender for Headache, migraine ?

It can be applied, diluted, on the temples or the neck to help relieve headaches and migraines, thanks to its soothing and analgesic properties.

Logo Indication
Structural support

How to Use Essential Oil Fine altitude lavender for Torticoli ?

Fine lavender is recognized for its relaxing and anti-inflammatory properties. It can help relax the tense muscles and relieve pain associated with torticoli.

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Serenity & rest

How to Use Essential Oil Fine altitude lavender for Sleeping troubles ?

Its diffusion in the bedroom before bedtime can promote restful and deep sleep, due to its calming and sedative properties.

[Recette 123] 1 cm of Hydrolat Roman chamomile, 3 drops of Essential Oil Fine altitude lavender et 3 pump pressure of Macérat Calendula

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Let go
Serenity & rest

How to Use Essential Oil Fine altitude lavender for Let go ?

Fine lavender is famous for its relaxing and soothing properties. It is ideal for promoting relaxation, reducing stress and helping to let go, thus facilitating a state of serenity.

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Product Details

Data sheet

Huile Essentielle Artisanale Française
Distillé par Essenciagua
Mode d'utilisation
Partie de la plante
sommité fleurie
Acne, button
Burning, sunburn
Eczema, psoriasis
Emotional shock
Hair Loss
Headache, migraine
Let go
Muscle tear
Sciatica, neuralgia
Sleeping troubles

Specific References

Overall rating
8 Reviews
on est directement dans les champs avec cette huile essentielle,
une huile essentielle que j'utilise pour toute la famille et les amis



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