Welcome to our page dedicated to the creation of a natural emergency kit for the treatment of lice and nits. The head lice are small parasitic insects that infest the hair and cause itching. The nits are their eggs, firmly attached to the hair. In this section, we explore the use of essential oils and hydrosols recognized for their repulsive, antiparasitic and soothing properties. These natural remedies are selected for their effectiveness to prevent and treat lice infestations, while being soft for the scalp. We guide you through a selection of suitable products, providing advice on their safe and effective use to eliminate lice and nits.
Our blog posts on the topic
That's it, school is over, and the summer holidays are here, with their lots of courses and camps of all kinds for the children. After a few days with us, my niece is looking forward to going to her travel camp. For her who loves flowers, trees, insects, animals, a week in the forest is a dream. But her mother is a little afraid of the return, she fears that she will get back like last year with lice!
As soon as you know that lice have arrived,...
Our Product Recommendations
It is crucial to recall that the information presented on this page is for educational purposes and must not be interpreted as a medical opinion. Although essential oils and hydrosols can provide support in the treatment of lice and slows, they should not be used as a substitute for professional medical or dermatological treatments, especially in the case of severe infestation. We strongly recommend consulting a health professional or a dermatologist in case of doubt or if natural methods are not effective. The effectiveness of these natural remedies can vary from person to person and their use must be undertaken with caution.