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When I fight against nervous fatigue

When I fight against nervous fatigue
When I fight against nervous fatigue

My testimony

Normally, I don't need a lot of sleep, and I recover after a good night or two when I'm tired. Three years ago, when we moved the distillery, we had a combination of activities and lack of sleep. Physical fatigue and an accumulation of things to manage led to nervous fatigue in me. I felt completely empty, with a lump in my throat, difficulty digesting, I made a mountain of everything, I had the impression of functioning like a robot, mechanically. Even after a good night's sleep, I didn't feel rested. I perked up with a few days of change of scenery and angelica hydrosol.

My tip

In case of nervous fatigue, I resort to angelica hydrosol. I do a 2-3 week treatment, using 3 tablespoons of hydrosol per day, in water. This angelica treatment helps me digest better, in addition to the serenity it brings me. I combine the effects by diffusing this hydrosol whenever I can, at the office or at home. To do this, I fill the tank of my diffuser-mist with pure angelica hydrosol, and I let it run for 1 to 2 hours in the morning and at the end of the day. If I have to travel, I prepare an inhaler stick with angelica hydrosol. I soak the cotton wick of the stick3 with 2 ml of hydrosol and I take 4 or 5 deep breaths, several times a day. I close the stick tightly between each use, to prevent it from drying out too quickly. Angelica hydrosol, in drink and in olfaction, really helps me to be fitter, more relaxed and to better manage stress, which leads to a positive spiral.

What does herbal medicine say?

Angelica is a major medicinal plant. It stimulates gastric and pancreatic secretions and reduces spasms of intestinal smooth muscles. It also acts on the nervous system, as a general restorative and rebalancing agent, being both tranquilizing and tonic. It is ideal in the fight against asthenia and nervous fatigue. Angelica hydrosol, by its composition, has digestive and antispasmodic properties. It is useful in cases of difficult digestion and intestinal spasms, ideal for a person who “ruminates” on their problems. Its spasmolytic and tranquilizing properties are very useful in cases of stress, anxiety, and in the phases of great fatigue which follow prolonged stress. It balances the neurovegetative system as a whole and seems to have antidepressant activity.

Did you know ?

A permanently too busy schedule can lead to daily stress, poor sleep, and accumulated fatigue. This results in a state of permanent fatigue, difficulty managing daily life, proof that the nerves and the mind demand a little rest and tranquility. It is then time to satisfy them to avoid the state of “burn-out”

I use hydrosols SAFELY

The proposed tip does not involve any particular contraindications because these are classic food uses.


Angelica, or angel grass, is a large herbaceous plant, reaching 2 m high. Originally from northern Europe, angelica grows “with its feet in the water, its head
under the sun ". We find this plant cultivated in our latitudes mainly for its bulky and hollow stem, used in confectionery. The flowers form umbels up to 40 cm in diameter. The roots and seeds are aromatic, but their properties differ. The distillation of the roots makes it possible to obtain products with sedative, digestive, tonic and stimulating properties.

The Products

Hydrolat Angelic (Root)

Hydrolat Angelic (Root)

The angelic hydrosol (root) of Essenciagua, handcrafted with spring water, is a product of rare finesse, from wild plants certified in organic farming. This hydrosol, extracted from the root of Angelique, is recognized for its soothing and balancing properties, offering an experience of natural and authentic well-being.

Angelique, often called "the grass of angels" or "root of the Holy Spirit", is a robust plant whose medicinal virtues have been recognized for centuries. The...

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