My testimony
We have just planned a trip to Mayotte (land of ylang-ylang), and now I'm starting to stress: I'm not going to wear shorts and a swimsuit with legs like that! The lack of physical exercise has let it reappear, our enemy to (almost) all of us, this pesky cellulite... So I'm going to resume the little routine that I put in place a few years ago, when I was still taking the time to do it, to try to limit this “orange peel”. A little sport (now I've taken up the footbike, a sort of scooter with large wheels, less "traumatic" than jogging), and juniper hydrosol, a real ally in the fight against cellulite and retention. 'water.
My tip
I know that there is no magic formula to permanently get rid of cellulite, but we still manage to reduce it. To do this, I try to strengthen my muscles a little, especially in the legs, which helps to somewhat correct the orange peel appearance. The ideal is to do this with endurance sports, which allow, in addition to muscle strengthening, to burn some fat if you practice them for more than 45 minutes. Cycling, Nordic walking, swimming, aquagym are well suited.
At the same time, I do an internal treatment of juniper hydrosol, at the rate of a tablespoon 3 times a day, diluted in a glass of water. And in the evening I do a little massage session on the “unsightly” areas, to promote the elimination of toxins and blood circulation and thus reduce cellulite. To do this I prepare an emulsion in a 100 ml bottle, by mixing 30 ml of calophyll vegetable oil (draining) and 30 ml of juniper hydrosol. I shake the bottle to emulsify the aqueous and fatty phases, and I use this preparation in a “palpate-roll” massage on the thighs, for around fifteen minutes.
What does herbal medicine say?
Cellulite is due to excessive development of adipocytes (fat cells) stored under the skin tissue, which deform it, causing the skin to take on an “orange peel” appearance. Cellulite almost exclusively affects women, and the vast majority of them. To treat it, diuretic, draining, depurative, circulatory or lipolytic (“fat-burning”) plants are used. Juniper, through its diuretic, detoxifying and purifying actions, is entirely suitable and very frequently used in anti-cellulite treatments. It is often associated with more circulatory plants such as cypress, immortelle (helichrysum) or even peppermint as well as medicinal sage for its lipolytic properties.
Did you know ?
The term "cellulite" is commonly used to refer to "orange peel" This has nothing to do with another category of cellulite, infectious cellulite, an etymologically more correct medical term designating severe inflammation of the skin, turning red in places This is due to a bacterial infection which can have serious consequences if not treated
I use hydrosols SAFELY
Juniper is above all a “diuretic” plant. As a precaution, its oral use will therefore not be recommended in cases of renal insufficiency. On the other hand, rubbing with juniper hydrosol is safe to combat orange peel skin and refine the silhouette.
Originally from Europe, the juniper is a prickly bush, which can be found up to 2,500 m above sea level, whose berries ripen during the second year. In the 16th century, juniper berries were considered a panacea, a universal antidote. It is said that anyone who eats a juniper berry every day is spared from illness. Nowadays, berries are used for their diuretic and aperitif properties, in addition to their nutritional qualities. The aroma released during the distillation of the berries and young branches is sweet, woody, slightly fruity. Juniper is composed mainly of mono and sesquiterpenes, hence its diuretic, ex-pectorant and bronchial antiseptic, aperitif, digestive, antirheumatic and analgesic properties.
The Products

Hydrolat Common juniper from Quercy
Essenciagua's juniper hydrosol, certified in organic farming, is a natural product with multiple benefits. Originally from Europe, the juniper (Juniperus Communis) is in the form of a thorny bush, up to 2,500 meters above sea level. Its berries, known since the 16th century as a universal remedy, are used for their diuretic and aperitif virtues.
This hydrosol has beneficial properties on rheumatism and water retention, partly thanks to its main composition of mono and...